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The Nissan 240SX is a lightweight, rear wheel drive, 2+2 sports coupe introduced to North America in 1988 as a 1989 model. This first model (the S13) continued through 1994 with three different body styles: coupe, the fastback and convertible. For the 1994 model year, Nissan only offered the convertible. Link Type Brand Model Year Number; 4-Stroke: Nissan: NSF2A: 2006: 002N21052-0: 4-Stroke: Tohatsu: MFS2A: 2006: 002-21052-0: 2-Stroke: Nissan: NS2.5A: 1992: M340-B: 2. Manuals & Guides Parts & Accessories Online NissanConnect Nissan Service Nissan Navigation Store Collision Assistance Nissan Finance Portal Snug Kids Nissan Visa Credit Card Toggle About menu About News & Events Nissan Rental Car Program Nissan Intelligent Mobility Certified Pre-Owned Local Nissan Offers Toggle Business & Fleet menu Business.
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